Our business : customised mobility
Developer of innovative solutions for crowd control.
Customised Special Vehicle Manufacturer
10 Rue des Terres Rouges
Zone industrielle de Metzange
+33 (0)3 82 88 14 69
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Specific vehicles
Specific vehicles
Road rescue vehicle
Specific Vehicles
3.5 T specific vehicle
Specific vehicle over 3.5T
Radiological Risk Vehicle
The main mission of the radiological risk vehicle...
Low-bed vehicle
Low-bed vehicle weighing 26T of AGW fitted with...
Rescue lorry for excavation
The rescue lorry for excavation mounted on a 4x4...
Multi-operational advance warning vehicle
This vehicle is designed to protect fire fighters...
Light fire and rescue vehicle
Vehicle intended for the transport of people and...
Medical practice vehicle
Vehicle fitted with, among other things, an...
All-purpose Vehicle
Vehicle intended for the transport of equipment,...
Motor Hose Reel Vehicle
This vehicle is used to support the extinguishing...
Signalling vehicle
This vehicle is designed to protect fire fighters...
medium road rescue vehicle
The road rescue vehicle, or road rescue van, is a...
Service dog vehicle
The mission of the service dog vehicle is to...
3.5T Climbing Vehicle
The vehicle for group recognition in hazardous...
Technological risk vehicle
The technological risk vehicle makes it possible...
AMP vehicle (Advanced Medical Post)
The "advanced medical post" vehicle (AMPV)...
Climbing vehicle over 3.5T
The vehicle for group recognition in hazardous...
medical rescue vehicle
This vehicle provides medical and/or paramedical...
group leader vehicle
The group leader vehicle allows the coordination...
diving vehicle
The diving vehicle is used when working in...
workshop vehicle
The technical assistance vehicle allows mechanics...
Super Road Rescue Vehicle
The road rescue vehicle, or road rescue van, is a...
Road Rescue Support Vehicle
The Road Rescue Support Vehicle (RRSV) is a van...
Minor service van
Le fourgon doit permettre le transport des...
DREAL : Control vehicle
cette catégorie regroupe les véhicules ayant pour...
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